Episode 1 - What we loved about Season 4

In this spoiler FULL kick-off episode of Above the Garage, a Nick & June The Handmaids Tale Podcast, our panel discusses the delightful experience that was Season 4 of The Handmaids Tale television show. As you may have surmised from the podcast name, there will be a little more weight given to the romantic relationship between Nick Blaine and June Osborne than has been typical in the other fantastic(!) THT podcasts out there, but rest assured the show as a whole will be discussed.

After we essentially eat our desserts first with these fun kick-off episodes for long-time fans of the show, we will be starting an episode by episode rewatch for both new and old fans-the first half of those will be spoiler free and the second half will discuss the episode in the context of the show to date. But first, DESSERT! Let's revel in the treasure trove that was Season 4 for Nick & June fans...


Episode 2 - Spoiler Free Kickoff