Episode 2 - Spoiler Free Kickoff

Welcome to Above the Garage, a Nick & June The Handmaids Tale Podcast! This is our spoiler FREE kickoff episode of Above the Garage, a Nick and June The Handmaids Tale Podcast! We wanted to have an option for new watchers of the show to learn a little bit about us, about why we love The Handmaids Tale television show, and in particular, the romantic relationship that develops between Nick Blaine and June Osborne throughout the seasons.

Our ambitious plan is to start hosting an episode by episode rewatch starting with the pilot and working our way all the way through the finale of Season 4, hopefully catching up before Season 5 airs on Hulu sometime in 2022! So, in two weeks, look out for the release of our Season 1, Episode 1 Re-watch Discussion.

In consideration of new viewers to the show, the first half of each re-watch episode discussion will be spoiler free, and then there will be another episode where we will discuss the episode in the context of the show to date. In this kickoff episode, we tell you a little bit more about all of that. (And at the very least, you can be entertained by the verbal gymnastics we attempt in order to avoid spoiling anything in this kick-off!)


Episode 3 -"Moments that made us ship Nick & June"


Episode 1 - What we loved about Season 4